Unit 3, Norwich Road, Horstead, Norwich, NR12 7EE
The property is located in the village of Horstead/Coltishall on the main Norwich to North Walsham road (B1150). Unit 3 shares the site with Horstead Garage, Websters Estate Agents and Break Charity.
Situated opposite the well-known landmark and extremely popular Recruiting Sergeant pub, the unit is prominent and has good roadside frontage with plenty of parking immediately in front of the unit.
The property is well fitted and ready for immediate trading. The property can be let as a whole or it can be easily sub-divided to create separate units, as shown on the attached plans which formed part of a planning consent granted on 28 September 2023. The total area comprises 5,288 sq ft (491 sq m) plus a mezzanine within the rear “car restoration” area of approximately 298 sq ft (27.7 sq m).
Additional external storage and details of loading area can be provided.
The property is available by way of a new FRI lease for a term to be agreed.
For more information on the split options and rents (from £10 psf), please contact Carol Cooper.
The current planning consent granted by Broadland and South Norfolk Council on 28 September 2023 is for a “mixed use of Car showroom and Workshop (sui generis) and Café (use class E). Please refer to the attached plan as the specific use is limited to the floor areas as detailed on the layout plan overleaf.
We understand from the Valuation Office Agency website that the property has a current rating assessment of £19,250 with effect from 1 April 2023. Interested parties are advised to make their own enquiries as to the availability of any rating relief.
The property has a EPC rating B. Further details are available upon request.
Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in the transaction.

Francis Darrah for themselves and as Agents for the proposed Vendor(s) or Lessor(s) give notice: 1. That they do not make or give either in these particulars or in negotiations or otherwise any warranty or representation whatever in relation to the property. 2. Any plan attached to these particulars is for identification purposes only and all measurements are given as a guide and no liability can be accepted for errors arising therefrom. 3. The property being open to inspection any intended purchaser must satisfy himself as to the accuracy of these particulars and he will be deemed to have full knowledge thereof. 4. No liability can be accepted for any misstatement, omission or errors in these particulars. 5. These particulars do not constitute an offer or Contract or any part thereof.