Unit 8, Horsefair Shopping Centre, Wisbech, PE13 1AR


The subject property occupies a prominent location within the Horsefair Shopping Centre, which links Market Place and Hill Street, adjacent to The Works and Heron Foods which is the only supermarket in Wisbech town centre.

Horsefair provides the main parking provision for Wisbech town centre with nearly 400 spaces offering free car parking for up to 3 hours. In addition the town’s bus station links directly into the centre.  Other nearby retailers within Horsefair include Costa, Subway, Card Factory, Holland & Barrett, Superdrug, Greggs, Peacocks, and Boots.



The unit is arranged over ground and first floor providing the following approximate net internal floor areas:-


Ground Floor Sales        68.7 sq m    740 sq ft

First Floor (ex staff wc)   60.3 sq m  650 sq ft



The property is available by way of a new effectively full repairing and insuring lease for a length of term to be agreed, subject to 5 yearly upward only rent reviews at a commencing rental of £25,000 pax (+ VAT if applicable).



The current annual service charge for Unit 8 is £5,675.



We understand from the Valuation Office Agency website that the property has a rating assessment of £13,250 with effect from 1 April 2023. Interested parties are advised to make their own enquiries.



The property has an energy rating of C. Further details available upon request.



Each party to bear their own legal costs incurred in this transaction.





Francis Darrah for themselves and as Agents for the proposed Vendor(s) or Lessor(s) give notice: 1. That they do not make or give either in these particulars or in negotiations or otherwise any warranty or representation whatever in relation to the property. 2. Any plan attached to these particulars is for identification purposes only and all measurements are given as a guide and no liability can be accepted for errors arising therefrom. 3. The property being open to inspection any intended purchaser must satisfy himself as to the accuracy of these particulars and he will be deemed to have full knowledge thereof. 4. No liability can be accepted for any misstatement, omission or errors in these particulars. 5. These particulars do not constitute an offer or Contract or any part thereof.


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